Fairfield's Fall Retreat -- October 13-17, 2022

We've extended the number of our days for our retreat this year to allow small groups to meet four times.

Our 17th annual Fall Retreat theme is

Awakening in the Heart of Being

In 2022 our Fall Retreat will take place online.

2022 retreat fallYou know what it's like to attend a Trillium Awakening (TA) sitting where you soak up transmission during the gazing meditation and cherish your time of sharing who you are ─ your current recognitions, challenges, and blessings ─ in a safe environment of encouragement and mutual honoring. Now imagine a retreat including gazing, presentations, large and small group discussions as well as retreat-style small groups, Yes, this will take place, October 13-17, 2022. This is the seventeenth time we've offered our Fall retreat. Heartfelt connections, deep transformation, lots of fun. We hope you'll join us.

We will hold our Fall Retreat online, each participating from the comfort of our homes. Our previous online events have created an intimate connection arising from the mutual commitment to deep transformation over four consecutive days. We'll meet via Zoom, a popular online meeting platform.

Zoom is easy to use. You can connect via a computer or tablet.

Zoom links will be provided on the schedule for those who register for the retreat.

Since the Spring of 2020 Trillium teachers and participants have found that meeting online for gazing and sharing is very intimate and allows us to connect with our Trillium friends easily.

Fairfield autumn


Our Fall Retreat includes


<> gazing

<> presentations

<> small group meeting

<> large group meetings

<> daily optional events

   <>early morning offerings

   <>afternoon nectar

    <> enrichment meetings

    <>creative expressions


Please join us from the comfort of your own home.


Thursday evening, October 13th, 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM US Central time

Welcome and opening meeting

Our opening meeting includes time to gaze, meet each other, and set the container of mutuality for the rest of our retreat. Fax and Sharon Gilbert will be the lead teachers for this meeting

Friday morning, October 14th, 9:00 AM - 9:45:00 AM US Central time - optional meeting

a ritual invocation to begin the retreat - led by Cielle Backstrom

Friday morning, October 14th, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM  US Central time

Morning meeting including gazing, a themed presentation and discussion

Heart of Being

 Experience is reported in an infinite variety of forms from gross to subtle, to stories, descriptions, enactments, art forms, and on and on.

How can we avoid overwhelm and find useful tools to navigate this infinite variety of human expression? We will look at several guiding principles from Trillium that reach behind the explosion of descriptions.

We will look at several guiding principles from Trillium that reach behind the explosion of descriptions to find useful tools to make our way through this infinite variety of human expression.   

Led by Sandra Glickman and Susan Spensley


Friday afternoon, October 14th, 2:30 PM -  5:00 PM US Central time
: Afternoon small group meetings - a time for extended individual shares

Friday afternoon, Oct 14th, 5:15 PM - 5:45 PM US Central time - optional meeting

Nectar - Cielle Backstrom will share gentle music while you engage in a time of rest and non-verbal integration.

Friday evening, October 14th, 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM US Central time - optional meeting

Spiraling is a method of conversation in which everyone's thoughts are brought into discussion in a format that allows breadth and depth to develop. 
We will Spiral around "How are you meeting and holding in mind and heart our current national dynamics as we approach our election?
Led by Sandra Glickman and Sharon Gilbert

Saturday morning, October 15th, 9:00 AM - 9:45:00 AM US Central time - optional meeting

Optional enrichment meeting led by Steve Boggs who will speak on Numinous Darkness  -   The daunting and rough initiations in this life can be, if they’re felt all the way through, surprising gateways to grace, to tender absorptions into love, into wholeness, into holiness.

Saturday morning, October 15th, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM  US Central time

Morning meeting including gazing, a themed presentation and discussion.

Mutuality and the Language of the Heart

An inquiry into how the heart speaks through release, acceptance and
connection. The value of cultivating a heart balanced ‘operating system’
for all relationship: human, non-human and divine.

Led by Fax and Sharon Gilbert

Saturday afternoon, October 15th, 2:30 PM -  5:00 PM US Central time
: Afternoon small group meetings - a time for extended individual shares

Saturday afternoon, Oct 15th, 5:15 PM - 5:45 PM US Central time - optional meeting
Nectar - Cielle Backstrom will share gentle music while you engage in a time of rest and non-verbal integration.

Saturday, October 15th, 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM US Central time - optional meeting
Creative expressions: A fun-filled time connecting with participants. Although this is an optional meeting it is so much fun it is not to be missed
Led by Fax Gilbert

Sunday morning, October 16th, 9:00 AM - 9:45 PM AM US Central time - optional meeting

Honoring the Temple of your Body: a time for contacting the gross to the subtle dimensions of what it can be to fully inhabit your body. Denise will use guided movement, imagery and self massage to enhance the sensory experience of aliveness in your body. Led by Denise Gallagher

Sunday morning, October 16th, 10:00 AM - 12:30 PM  US Central time

Conditions for Awakening & Deepening
These days, you can find courses that promise nondual awakening in 1-6 weeks.So we have to ask ourselves what we can do to maximize our chances of awakening? In this presentation, we'll consider what zen stories, personal anecdotes, and neuroscience have to tell us about setting up the conditions for our awakening.
Led by Bill Epperly

Sunday afternoon, October 16th,  2:30 PM -  5:00 PM US Central time
: Afternoon small group meetings - a time for extended individual shares

Sunday afternoon, Oct 16th, 5:15 PM - 5:45 PM US Central time - optional meeting

Nectar - Cielle Backstrom will share gentle music while you engage in a time of rest and non-verbal integration.

Sunday, October 16th, 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM US Central time - optional meeting

Social gathering: A fun-filled time connecting with participants. Although this is an optional meeting it is so much fun it is not to be missed, hosted by Cielle Backstrom

Monday morning, October 17th, 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM  US Central time

small group meetings - a time for extended individual shares

Monday afternoon, October 17, 12:00 PM- 1:15 PM US Central time

large group closing meeting, led by Sharon Gilbert.


We ask that you have attended at least one sitting before attending our Retreat.  If you have not already done so, please choose one of the many online sittings listed at


     Please note: You may need to click the link above twice to bring up the page linked above

If you have trouble finding an online sitting, please contact our registrar, Sharon Gilbert at trilliumawakeningfairfield@gmail.com. She will help you.

Registration and payment

Please fill out the registration form at


   Please note: You may need to click the link above twice to bring up the registration form linked above and it may take a couple of minutes for the registration form to load.

The fee for our Fall Retreat is.

$300  if paid by October 5

After October 5, the fee increases to $345.

Payments may be made by PayPal or check

PayPal recipient address:


Checks for the Retreat are payable to:
Trillium Awakening in Fairfield
Mail to:
Sharon Gilbert

PO Box 1893
Fairfield, IA 52556

Direct questions to TrilliumAwakeningFairfield@gmail.com