Steve Boggs’ Sittings

Steve red shirtMy goal in facilitating sittings is to create a safe place of deep trust where your embodied awakening can be catalyzed.  When I say "embodied" I mean no longer at war with or even distrustful of the material world and all the dust it kicks up in us in our very human dimensions.  I find this trust to be central to this awakening, knowing full well that any path of authentic transformation demands as much as it offers its participants.  On your path, there will be times of ardor and expansion as well as times of dismay and bewilderment.  The sacred space created in these sittings can provide the steady, conscious holding of your tender explorations that can allow safe passage through the many stages of your soul's journey.  In assisting you in recognizing your divine nature, I hope to help finish up with the seeking and get on to the finding; growing into who you are here to be and making the contribution that you alone can make.
My sittings will typically include these and other elements:
- Gazing meditation: I make eye contact for 1 - 2 minutes with each participant.
- Silent meditation: We sit and feel and be in the transmission field we've created together
- A short talk: I introduce a topic which may stimulate discussion or open up something during your share time
- An Exercise: A group or individual or paired exercise pertaining to some element of this work.
- Personal sharing time: Each participant has an opportunity to explore their current edge of discovery whatever it might be.

Some students have let me know why they like my sittings:
Steve routinely creates a space that allows a person the opportunity to come forward in their own truth and be deeply, powerfully seen, heard and held. He possesses the rare ability to engage deeply and meaningfully with others at the most transformative places of the Heart where he himself is always richly and profoundly Present.  Steve's ability to live on the edge of this embodied life in all its rawness and majesty is always on display and serves as an example and invitation to us all.
MB, Fairfield
When in a sitting with Steve, I'm always lucidly reminded of the grandeur that is revealed in simply being right where I an in this moment, fully open and vulnerable, boldly embracing all the feelings and perceptions that invite me to meet them.  I'm reminded that love is radiantly present in the most mundane tiny details of material existence.  Nothing is overlooked by Love. No iota of experience is too insignificant to be capable of piercing my heart open.  On the contrary, sometimes the very smallest particle of experience, when fully met conveys a vast payload of felt sacredness.  These are the flavors of Steve's teaching transmission in all places of the sitting: gazing, presenting thoughts for our consideration, and holding the group individually and collectively.
Steve is an ardent devotee of the Real, of the Heart of Being. You can feel his heart aflame with love. Time seems to stop as he speaks and the eternal moment becomes the setting for our meeting with him.  His heart seems to be constantly on the verge of breaking, yet it is a very stout heart that one senses has become mighty by letting itself be broken over and over.  So If I'm fearful, I totally trust that he has my back and if in the next moment I'm grieving, his empathetic tears flow with mine like healing rain.
PL,  Fairfield
Steve's unique, expansive heart and profound wisdoms and insights create an atmosphere of deep sharing and trust in his sittings.
CB,  Fairfield
Being in a sitting with Steve is a little like "coming home" to a  place of great safety, comfort and peace.  I have felt a healing within myself just from watching and observing how he tenderly and clearly helps others find their way through their immediate problem or need.  While in one on one dialog with him in the group, I often feel physical shifts inside, places where there is suddenly more space and breathing is easier. All this is due to his keen insights and deep understanding of life in this human body. I always leave a meeting with Steve feeling rejuvenated in some way and occasionally I'm not quite sure how it happened.  This is Steve's wonderful skill as a teacher.
MM,  Fairfield