Feast of Trillium Sittings --May 24-27, 2024

In 2024 our 15th annual Feast will take place online.

picture 3You know what it's like to attend a Trillium Awakening (TA) sitting where you soak up transmission during the gazing meditation and cherish your time of sharing who you are ─ your current recognitions, challenges, and blessings ─ in a safe environment of encouragement and mutual honoring. Now imagine a Feast of Sittings and Day-long Events including retreat-style small groups May 24-27, 2024. This is the fifteenth time we've offered a Spring Feast. Lots of fun and deep transformation. We hope you'll join us.


Once again, we will hold our Feast online. Our previous online Feast of Sittings have resulted in an intimate connection arising from the mutual commitment to deep transformation on four consecutive days. We met via Zoom, a popular online meeting platform.

Zoom is easy to use. You can connect via a computer or tablet.


Since the Spring of 2020 Trillium teachers and participants have found that meeting online for gazing and sharing is very intimate and allows us to connect with our Trillium friends with ease.


First flower of Spring 2022Our Spring Feast includes two day-long events with retreat-style small groups on Saturday and Sunday afternoons as well as sittings on Friday evening and Monday morning.

Because we want to create as much intimacy as possible, we will only accept registrants who will attend the entire Feast.  This allows trust and connection to grow over the 4 days of the Feast

Feast schedule

Friday evening, May 24th, 7:00 PM - 9:30 PM US Central time

Welcome and First Sitting led by Jeffrey and Cielle Backstrom
The other Fairfield teachers will welcome you at the start of the meeting and then the lead teachers for this meeting will continue to facilitate the sitting.


Our opening sitting includes time to gaze, meet each other, and set the container of mutuality for the rest of our weekend Feast.

Zoom link will be provided after registration


Saturday morning, May 25th, 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM   US Central time

Morning sitting led by Fax and Sharon Gilbert

This sitting will start with gazing then a brief presentation of a Trillium core teaching followed by individual sharing. We'll aspire to create an atmosphere of mutual honoring that reflects and deepens how we’re holding our current dispositions.

Zoom link will be provided after registration

 Saturday afternoon, May 25th, 3 PM -  5:30 PM  US Central time
Afternoon small group meetings - a time for extended individual shares

We will have small groups led by  teacher pairs

Saturday small group participants and Zoom links "to be announced"

Saturday late afternoon optional Nectar May 25th, 5:45 PM- 6:15 PM US Central time

We will play gentle recorded music to aid in this time of group rest and integration

Zoom link will be provided after registration


Saturday evening optional Creative Expressions gathering. Hosted by Fax Gilbert, May 25th 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM US Central time

Creative expressions hour -  A fun-filled time connecting with participants.

Sunday morning, May 26th, 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM  US Central time
Morning knowledge meeting led by Sandra Glickman and Denise Gallager

This sitting will include gazing, presentation and lively discussion


 Sunday afternoon, May 26th,  3 PM -  5:30 PM US Central time
: Afternoon small group meetings - a time for extended individual shares

We will have small groups led by the teacher pairs

Saturday small group participants and Zoom links "to be announced."

Monday morning, May 27h, 10:30 AM - 1:00 PM US Central time
Morning sitting led by TBD
The final meeting of the Feast will include gazing, a short presentation, and a time for each participant to share what is alive for them. In the last 15 minutes of the meeting, Fairfield's teachers will join the meeting to share their goodbyes.



We ask that you have attended at least one sitting before attending our Feast.  If you have not already so, please choose one of the many online sittings listed at



Registration and payment


Please fill out the registration form at https://forms.gle/f4yJh5Z2wT8Rpg988
The cost of our Feast.

$150 for the full Feast if paid by May 7.

After May 7th, the fee increases to $175.

Payments may be made by PayPal or check
PayPal recipient address:

Checks for the Feast are payable to:
Trillium Awakening in Fairfield

Please email trilliumawakeningfairfield@gmail.com for the address to mail your check.

Cancellation policy
Direct questions to TrilliumAwakeningFairfield@gmail.com


payment and cancelation policy

private sessions before or after the retreat


airports - N/A online retreat


ground transportation N/A online retreat


lodging N/A online retreat


restaurants N/A online retreat